Coaching and Mentoring

Call for a FREE discussion on how to take your career and life to another level! Through deep, meaningful and result-oriented coaching techniques, we will explore ways in which you can achieve your full potential and aspirations.

Using trust as our foundation, I will work with you (or your employee) to identify and achieve professional aspirations whilst overcoming barriers to growth and change. In this process, you will understand and optimize your unique leadership style, improve your communication methods, build on your inherent strengths and improve areas of difficulty

In a supportive and confidential environment, we will work together to achieve your life goals, whatever they may be! These could include attaining happiness/contentment, being a model parent, achieving work/life balance or anything that you are aspiring to! In this process, you will also understand and address your own self-limiting beliefs, negative attitudes and gain clarity on her priorities and goals in life

The loss of a job is a painful, emotional, and devastating experience for anyone. Our services include psychological support, skills assessment, formulating a job-seeking strategy, resume building and interview skills coaching. Together we will make this crisis into an opportunity! This service is provided to corporate clients looking at making redundancy and layoff situations easier on their employees or for employees who anticipate losing their current job.

It is said that every highly successful person had a Mentor who has guided and supported her. Our program is a significant relationship between us and one who is seeking to increase her knowledge, skills, perspective and potential. Through our Mentorship programs, we will give individuals an added dimension of personal and professional development through committed, confidential interaction.

In this supportive, fun and hands-on 1 day program, senior, mid-level, aspiring, soon-to-be or new managers are given the tools and techniques to accelerate the growth and effectiveness of their teams through effective mentoring. This class also enables the team to gauge how well it communicates and works together, as well as identifying changes they would like to make. Participants focus on understanding each other better, how to deal with conflict, communication styles how best to engage with one another, and conclude with a pledge on how they will work more effectively.