Psychometric Testing

The word ‘psychometric’ is from the Greek words “psychikos” (mental) and “metrisi” (measurement). Psychometric tests objectively measure aspects of your mental ability and your personality. You can use psychometric testing as part of your recruitment process to give you a reliable tool in your selection of the most suitable job applicants, candidates for promotion and in the composition of highly effective teams.
Psychometric Assessments measure your way of doing things and the way you interact with your environment and other people. Personality encompasses the relatively stable and enduring aspects of an individual which distinguish them from others, making them unique, but also enabling us to make comparisons between individuals. The gold standard of psychological assessments, used by over 2 million people a year in businesses, Government and educational institutes, is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
Psychometric tests objectively measure aspects of your mental ability and your personality.  They are used by over 80% of Fortune 500 companies in the USA and by over 75% of the Times Top 100 companies in the UK. 

The Myers Briggs Type Index, which was developed over 60 years ago, is used by over 2.5 million people every year. It will allow you to look at your uniqueness as your strength, your styles as useful and your perceptions as your assets. This will enable you to be much more effective at what you do, interact with your team more effectively and enjoy what you do!
Our certified professionals will give you in-depth insight into your strengths and overall type by administering the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) psychometric tool.

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Ever wondered why your colleagues, team mates and superiors always demonstrate certain behavior traits? Understand these and your own behavior traits by taking the DiSC profile.
The DiSC is a behavior assessment tool which centers on four different personality traits; Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). Knowing your "type" increases your self-knowledge: how you respond to conflict, what motivates you, what causes you stress, and how you solve problems. This, in turn, improves working relationships, facilitates better teamwork, and develops stronger sales and negotiation skills.

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Working on the basis that we are each gifted with unique strengths which must be honed and developed for our own success, the Strengths Finder is a personal development tool developed by Gallup which identifies your Top 5 strengths. 34 different strength themes are divided into four domains of Strategic Thinking, Relationship Building, Influencing and Executing.

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This highly acclaimed 1-day program is for teams in organizations to gain greater self-awareness, improved team dynamics and better collaboration. This program will ensure that your teams are aligned, more effective and that you've got the right people in the right positions for the health and sustainability of your business.

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