HR Consultancy Services

We have over 25 years of Human Resources experience in the UK, USA, India and Sri Lanka in various industries. Talk to us for any of your HR concerns or for your future strategic plans, wherein your greatest asset needs to be developed and engaged!

We will work with you to strategize, write up and implement a people policy. If there are aspects of HR that require our assistance, we are happy to assist. We can also work with your team to up-skill their current knowledge level to handle HR in a more professional and strategic manner.

Our experienced team provides customized executive searches to suit your needs. If you an employer, we will make sure that the candidates we provide are thoroughly screened, interviewed and all relevant reference checks conducted prior to our presenting them to you.
If you are seeking employment, we will work with you to make sure that you are job-ready, that your specific requirements are met and present you in the best light possible to potential employers who are a good match for you. We also offer resume and cover letter writing services.

Evaluating an individual’s potential to perform in a given role or capacity is critically important. Our Assessment Centers gather relevant information under standardized conditions about an individual's capabilities to perform a managerial position by putting candidates through a series of group and individual exercises designed to simulate the conditions of a given job. This determines if they have the skills and abilities necessary to perform that job by bringing out the candidate's behavior relevant to the job, while being observed by a group of assessors. In addition, we see natural leaders emerging from our Assessment Centers and also negative behaviors become evident.

Engaged employees play a significant role in overall business performance - from their interactions with customers to being ambassadors of your brand. Measuring and acting on employee feedback is critical to protecting your most important asset and establishing positive and brand-consistent connections with your customers. Let us gauge your employee motivation levels using diagnostics and confidential information gathering to give you a holistic view of what works, requires work and needs re-work.

We are specialists are re-doing your resume to truly make you stand out! Give us a rough draft of your current resume and see what we can do for you!